Regardless of how it happened, consult with a criminal defense lawyer the moment that you find yourself facing assault charges. Depending on the severity of the case, you could be facing lengthy prison time. The maximum penalty for an assault indictment is five years of jail time. This increases to 10 years if a weapon was used. If you were merely protecting yourself and acting in self defense, your criminal defense attorney will require you to gather evidence to support your claims.
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Living trusts are private legal documents, whereas a living will features documents and proceedings that are public. Living trusts allow you to control your estate while you are still living and to control who will handle your estate upon your death. There are several advantages for you if you are considering setting up a living trust.
Avoiding Probate
One of the main benefits of a living trust is avoiding probate. When you have a living will, it must go through probate in order for your assets to be distributed; however, this is not the case with a living trust, as it doesn't go through probate at all.
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If you are hoping to work with a trial attorney on a contingent basis, where the attorney gets his or her fees from any awards you might get from the case, pay attention to how the fees and expenses are charged. When you go to court, you have to pay not only attorney fees, but court costs as well, or expenses. The order in which these are applied to your case can mean pocketing a substantial difference in final money.
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When it comes to hiring employees, it is crucial to avoid age discrimination. There are a variety of ways to hire people without discriminating against their age. There are severe legal ramifications at risk if a candidate believes they won't be hired because of their age. Here are some things to keep in mind when hiring employees and ensuring you don't discriminate due to age.
Understanding Age Discrimination
The first step in ensuring you avoid age discrimination in the workplace is to understand exactly what age discrimination is.
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If you are considering writing a will, then it's also important to consider the different ways to accomplish this. Here are three options that you have when writing a will.
Option #1: Do it Alone
The first option is to write out your will on your own. There is nothing that dictates that you must hire a specialist to write a will. As long as you have few assets and plan to leave half of your belongings to your spouse, you might be able to simply write your own legal document.
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