Know Who You’re Dealing With: The Players In A Law Firm

There are not just lawyers in a law firm. There are several other law-related careers involved. You would be surprised at how often you do not actually speak with a lawyer when you initially speak to a law firm employee over the phone or in person. It also does not dawn on most people to even ask about the degrees and official job titles or roles of people in the law firm. Read More 

What Makes A Good Juror?

The right to a trial by jury is something that each American citizen is entitled to. Members of the public are randomly selected to become part of the jury pool, and attorneys must draw from this pool when creating a jury for each trial case. Each individual brings a unique perspective to the case, so selecting the right jury members is essential. Look for the following characteristics when selecting jurors to ensure your client has the best possible chance at acquittal. Read More 

Three Reasons A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Is Better Than Other Forms Of Debt Relief

If you are overwhelmed by debt and are starting to fall behind on your monthly obligations, you are likely looking for debt relief. Before you decide to use one of the debt relief services you may have seen advertised, you should consider a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy restructures your debt so you are able to pay some or all of it back. The following are a few advantages that a Chapter 13 bankruptcy has over other forms of debt relief. Read More 

House Fire – How To Dispute Your Homeowner’s Insurance Claim After A Denial

A house fire is one of the worse things that can happen to a family. Your home has suffered serious damages and you have loss memories. You have homeowner's insurance and feel that your damages are covered. However, you file your claim and it is denied. Read on to find out how to dispute your homeowner's insurance claim after a denial. Review Your Insurance Claim It helps to hire an insurance dispute attorney. Read More 

What Is A Lemon Law?

There's a saying that says when life hand you lemons, you should make lemonade. That's all good and well when it's real lemons and real lemonade, but when it's your car that's a lemon, you want a little something more than just lemonade. You want a car that works the way that it should or you want some compensation for your defective car. That's where lemon laws come into play.  Read More