Important Dos And Don’ts To Follow During The Divorce And Child Custody Processes
If your marriage is over, then it's time to file for divorce. If you have been putting off filing, then today is the day to make an appointment with a divorce attorney. Additionally, following these important dos and don'ts will help make the divorce and child custody processes go more smoothly:
Do: Make a Promise to Yourself to Move On Sooner Rather Than Later
Successfully navigating the divorce and child custody processes requires you take a big step back and examine your life. The first step is to sit down and decide what you want your future to look like and then start taking steps to create it. And, the sooner you vow to move on, then the easier your divorce will be because you can see past the short-term frustrations and delays.
Don't: Hold On to Past Resentments
Just as you need to move forward in your life, so too do you need to stop yourself from looking back into the past and holding onto old resentments. Don't let your ex drag you back into old arguments because the results will never be any different than they were before. Let go of the old arguments and resentments, vow to move on, and suggest your ex does as well. If they can't manage to get with the new program, then refer them to your attorney and stop communicating directly.
Do: Talk to Your Divorce Attorney About Your Ex's Personality
Unless your marriage was very short, you already know how your ex is likely to act during the divorce process. While people can change their behaviors somewhat, it's safe to assume if your ex was a complete narcissist during your relationship, then they will act narcissistic during the divorce.
Though you can't change how anyone else behaves, you absolutely should speak with your divorce lawyer about the negative personality traits your ex exhibits. This will allow the two of you to anticipate future drama and make a plan to successfully combat it.
Don't: Talk to Anyone Else About Your Ex or the Divorce
A divorce proceeding in the courts is similar to any other court case in many ways. One important similarity is the way in which evidence is introduced and how the things you say can end up being used against you.
For example, if you are at a party one night with friends you and your ex have in common and you are overheard trashing him, then someone may end up testifying about it in court. For this reason, one of the best things you can do is not utter another word about your ex-spouse or the divorce process itself until the ink is dry on the final settlement papers. If you never talk about your ex, then you will be guaranteed there won't be any of this type of surprise in the courtroom.
For more information, reach out to law firms like Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham, LLC.